Friday, March 15, 2024

Lighting + set update

   Alright!! I had planned to look into some lighting equipment but it may not arrive on time so I'm going to have to save it for the next project. However,  I wanted to figure out some DIY's so I could get around some of my issues with equipment.

**** one thing to keep in mind for editing, I will most likely start off with the first shot being in the interior room and then cutting to "the tent" 

Both scenes mentioned will include the rolling credits and titles!!! No dialogue at this moment.

1. The Interior room shot

I wanted to attain some nice lighting in these particular shots, so I thought about making good use of practical lighting, and the natural light coming from the windows on the side. I had a lamp that I could add in to include a streak of golden lighting to imply positivity and virtue.

Here's a small little clip of BTS of me bringing in this huge lamp (its much heavier than it looks) 
I've done some research that showed just how having that source of lighting in the background and little accents can really boost the dimensions of a shot and elevate its quality.

2. The Tent
For this I want to utilize some nice fairy lights I've had for quite a bit, they're not exactly small bulbs but they're purple, which is refreshing because I do want to mix in that feeling of mental stability while the character is enjoying some alone time creating.

I'm going to use a microphone stand to serve as the base of the tent as well, that way it'll part in half, I'll be detailing the first day of filming in the next blog!! 

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