Friday, September 22, 2023

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

   The objective of this assignment was to assess our knowledge of shot composition. We were instructed to select an inanimate object that would later serve as the main focus of our story. This sequence would be guided by 15 different angles and shots learned in class to advocate the message of our choice. 

    My partner and I approached the development of our final project by decisively choosing sticky notes as the focal point of our story. Sticky notes are a great tool for remembering, so we thought they'd be capable of communicating the idea that spreading love through even the tiniest pieces of writing can be a memorable and influential act of kindness. The character in the first few shots spots a sticky note on the window of her teacher's classroom. This note inspires the girl to think about how she can spread more kind message further. She begins to think and form a cluster of sticky notes that she plans to stick on a school door for students to see and add their own thoughts to. Her process of gathering the materials was framed as close ups and medium shots. The close ups helped to show further detail of the creation, while the medium shots of the character illustrated her expressions of inspiration. It's purpose was to depict how motivated she was by her idea to uplift the community of students in her school.

   I believe that we had a meaningful message in mind, however, it could've been executed much more eloquently. The main issue was a few shots like the OTS (over the shoulder) that got lost and didn't really serve its actual purpose. It's placement I admit was not well thought out, but other than that we were able to use effective shot techniques to move the story onward. I wish the meaning had a more clear resolution, but other than that I feel our assignment was easily understood.

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Casting the short.