Monday, October 30, 2023

Sound Project


Sound Project

       For this project, we were required to brainstorm a 1-2 minute scene where the storytelling relied solely on sounds. My partner and I chose to create a soundscape of a shipwreck at sea, which came to be much harder than it seemed at the start of choosing. The process got much easier as we went on with the editing process. We mainly made sure to really emphasize on the realistic timing of every bit of audio in the soundscape.

Firstly, coming up with the idea was probably one of the most challenging parts of the process, as not only did we have to have a sufficient understanding of the environment we would immerse the listener in, but we also want to make sure the idea was fresh and not overdone. We had come up with a few ideas before we finally resided in executing a shipwreck navigating through a storm at sea. We brainstormed all the possible sounds that could be present at the scene; some of the sounds included waves crashing, fast winds, creaking, mist etc. 

   Once we completed our Outline, My partner and I looked through different sound libraries as I figured out how to accurately represent some of the real live sounds in our soundscape through foley. We mainly started off by gathering as many sounds to establish the ambience of the ocean and then layered the ship sounds. Much of the foley was created with my pool and a floatie, to replicate the initial sounds of intense waves crashing. The snapping noise of the "wood" was created with the snap of bamboo sticks. With all of those sounds in mind, we planned out the timing of the cues before importing the audio into the timeline.

As we imported the sounds onto the project, the cue-ins of each sound got tricky, and we had to be cautious that some of the sounds wouldn't be overpowered by the storm clouds. Navigating that was also quite a challenge, but once we checked the levels to make sure the audio wasn't clipping and locked the tracks to further focus on one section of the audio, it was smooth sailing (at least for us, can't say the same about the shipwreck🙉). 
Lastly, the soundscape couldn't be complete without the sounds of intense fear and screaming to get the point across, and my partner found just the right sounds to convey that sense of emotional distress. 
We were able to conclude the project proud of the finalized scene that would take listeners on a journey through a ship on the brink of its doom.

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