I am so excited to share what I've learned about marketing and apply it to this project by creating a social media platform that would showcase all of our work behind-the-scenes, as well as branding aspects of the film.
At the beginning of the year, we started a branding project where we primarily focused on branding ourselves, and what that would look like in terms of our relationships, our culture, our purpose, etc.
So while marketing a short film is something completely new to me, the concept of marketing is something I have loved to explore throughout my time at places like Inside Out Theatre Company, a non-profit organization that I'm grateful to have been a part of from a young age.
As I got older, and started experimenting with editing, graphics, visual effects, and motion graphics, marketing quickly became a huge passion of mine when paired with these skills.
These are some of the visuals I made to tease the viewers about what's to come, and then I posted the trailer on the top right corner to quench some of that anticipation.
“Just too unreal, all this” we are proud to present Spring Awakening* with student ASL interpretation. Tickets now on sale 💜🌿 link in bio"
I love to use captions that have a play on words and make references to the actual show, so that people can get a better understanding of the word play and the vibe through our caption. The purple emoji gives off the vibe of one of the last songs, a song of purple summer, and the leaf is super grounded, mellow. I also used the red in the back because this musical holds so much passion, and teenage angst, that this was a way of still communicating that angst to the target audience, which was generally local (people from our county), ages 14 and up (mature audiences), who enjoy artistic, serious, art.
I also handle the tik tok for Inside Out closely, but the vibe on that platform for content is much more intimate, and personable. My target and goal in that account is to get a wider net of exposure from younger audiences who prefer to consume video content, and who prefer to actually experience something in a video almost vicariously, as if they wre there getting to watch snippets of the show and rehearsals themselves.
On tik tok, I make it really about building a community and making the followers feel intrigued by the company and what the students are rehearsing and how they're practicing. So here's an example.
What's the point of this?
Well, for marketing my short film, I want to take a similar approach only I understand that it would be more BTS centered for the tik tok, and for the instagram I would include more professionalized images to communicate what the film is really about. I would like to think of how to get into different media texts and help our target audience discover the film in different ways other than just through social media... so here's what I'm thinking.
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