Friday, February 28, 2025

Research, constructing the brand for our film

 We understand that comedy's are hard to make, but the idea of breaking an unspoken rule in itself evokes a humorous aspect, at least in our interpretation.

If we go with the hand-shaking idea, we believe that would have to be marketed by showcasing an office environment, a dull, lackluster place in which co-workers hardly interact except for the daily greeting: a handshake. 

We can start by showcasing our character, Tom, and his awkwardness and reluctance to handshakes themselves. We can put quotes next to the character poster, to get people kind of introduced to this conformist office, and then there's Tom. 

For further inspiration, we want to really "branch out" hehe, and find other student films in the past that have worked with the marketing aspect of their film, and we found a page that does a really great job at conveying the mood, and tone of their film, without overtly giving so much of the plot away.

This is a student film social media page from the University of Michigan, and I really love the way they make use of their marketing strategy.  Through color, aesthetics, and purpose, this social media was able to achieve a consistent brand identity that made audiences curious about what the film entails. 

If they had a particular song in the film, they made sure to also bring attention to that in one of their posts, to further create awareness of their film but also help out the actors themselves, which serves both creators. 

They had the Michigan Daily Review their film, which is a very unique way of advertising the film by also showcasing a nuanced perspective from consumers/critics outside of the project on their page.  We could get some of the students that run the newspaper or yearbook, to write a report on our film so we can also have that perspective showcased in a different media text, for more people to see.

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